上海2019年上海国际工艺品暨文创产品展 2019年上海工艺品文创产品展

    上海2019年上海国际工艺品暨文创产品展 2019年上海工艺品文创产品展

  • 10712
  • 产品价格:9800.00 元/个
  • 发货地址:广东深圳罗湖区 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:9999.00 个产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:125418701公司编号:14450915
  • 经理 微信 188237031..
  • 进入店铺 在线咨询 QQ咨询 在线询价


IAC-SHOW 国际工艺品暨文创产品展参展范围

国强则百工强,百工盛则国盛。承载着数千年*文明的工艺美术,自古以来便与民生相连,与国运相关。我们坚信,在以总书记为核心的党*的正确**下,随着党*和各级**高度重视并大力发展文化产业,中国工艺美术产业必将迎来更好更快的发展! 而中国工艺集团一如既往的秉承“*工艺美术文化产品和文化服务集成提供商”的战略理念,遵循“开放办论坛”的方针,把“中国工艺美术产业创新发展论坛”办成一个专业化、精英化、常态化的交流平台而不懈努力。




China National Arts & Crafts Group Corporation Limited ( abbreviated as"China Arts & Crafts Group ) was founded by the united recombination of the two central enterprises, namely former China Arts &rafts Import & Export Corporation and China Gongmei ( Group ) Co., Ltd. directly managed by State-owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission of the State Council in 2007. In 2019, permitted by the State Council, China Arts & Crafts Group was integrally merged into China Poly Group Corporation to be one of its wholly-owned subsidiaries.
Its main business scope contains arts & crafts industry, precious-metal industry, international trade, asset-managing business and more.
China Arts&Crafts Group is separately holding the position of president member of China Arts and Crafts Association and China Toy Juvenile Products Association, playing the key roles in leading, driving and influencing the industry development. Besides that, it is serving as the places of vice-president unit of China Gold Association and the governing unit of Shanghai Gold Exchange respectively. In addition of having the rights of operating import & export businesses involving in gold ornaments and silver products, it has the china-based lab only accredited by CIBJO.
What’s more, it has many titles of the main shareholder and the president member of Shanghai Diamond Exchange. the main shareholder and the chairman member of China Arts and Crafts Exchange, as well as the Chinese representative of World Crafts Council of UNESCO.
As one central enterprise in the circle of arts &crafts, China As & Crafts Group is shouldering a batch of sacred duties, inclusive of promoting the arts and crafts culture, revitalizing the arts and crafts economy, developing the arts and crafts industry, as well as disseminating the traditional Chinese culture to the world.


欢迎来到深圳市宇博展览策划有限公司网站,我公司位于经济发达,交通发达,人口密集的中国经济中心城市—深圳。 具体地址是广东深圳罗湖区深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路东佳大厦603,联系人是经理。
联系电话是0755-25185311, 主要经营深圳市宇博展览策划有限公司主办2019年上海秋季茶博会,以展览会策划、展览会承办、展览会招商招展为主要经营项目。作为展览行业专业公司的宇博展览经历14年的行程,服务**过20000参展商,涉及创意,文化产业,日用百货,礼品家居,工艺美术,旅游用品,体育用品等7大类扩及200多小类。欢迎来电咨询!。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。

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